About Comtrya NFT
Commitment to Elastos Community
We are Comtrya and Spark, partners in life.
She has been a professional makeup artist for over 12 years. Comtrya is talented in multiple disciplines. Fennec Fox and ShapeShifter are her first attempts at drawing cartoons. She excels at Body Painting, Fx Transformation, Real Life Creature, Headpieces, Zombies, Uv Transformation. She enjoys creating with every fiber of her soul.
I have been a professional circus artist/teacher for over 15 years. My passion and journey in Poi spinning started in 2005. I enjoyed it so much , and spent my whole life spinning at that time. I shaped my way of living by Owning my Decision. Decided to teach my passion to children, and so did I in 2007 and ever since. As we move forward we will release different types of visual arts.
For a very long time, I have been a fan of Elastos. I understood that we needed encryption and privacy for humanity. In a changing world, becoming a pioneer artist in the digital economy is the only logical step. She got a drawing tablet last B-Day.

I have been living on my own terms, being 100% self taught everything. As an independent artist, I learned marketing the hard way in small local fringe businesses, Wp Sites, SEO, Infographic, Video Editing, project management and many more. I am passionate about thousands of different subjects: Economic, Geo-Politic, Arts, History, Technology, Lost Civilization, Psychology, Gardening, Education, Justice, Community and so on. I keep my vision as broad as I can.
I am here to learn and share my experience with the Elastos Community. When you buy ComtryaNFT’s, you buy the arts, but you also buy the infinite drive of Spark with a mission in mind.
I am the founder of the Twitter account What is Elastos? @We_Are_Elastos and now the websites WhatIsElastos?com and WeAreElastos.com. My vision is to unite the Elastos community to implement the first decentralized media organization and work as a group for marketing strategy to promote Elastos ecosystem. Once we achieve that, the sky’s the limit.
30% of our sales is moving to the treasury funds of We Are Elastos. I want it in the hands of the community to fund our priority in development.
Now, we need marketing.
I am here to ignite the spark